33 Strategies
to get 100 Clients

33 Strategies
to get 100 Clients

33 Strategies
to get 100 Clients

In this guide, I will share step-by-step how to get from 0 to 100 Clients.

In this guide, I will share step-by-step how to get from 0 to 100 Clients.

In this guide, I will share step-by-step how to get from 0 to 100 Clients.

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Strategy #1 of #33
Facebook Admin Client Steal

It might sound more brutal than it is, but yes, we steal Clients from Facebook Page Admins.


1.1  Overview

The basic Idea here is to steal clients from Facebook Page Admins. If you have already tried to post your offers in Facebook Groups you might have experienced that your posts don’t get confirmed by Admins. Usually, that is the case when the Admins want to get paid for promotions or when they promote their offers within their groups.


1.2  Differentiate Groups

Facebook Groups is not Facebook Group. What do I mean by that? It depends a lot on which groups you choose.


You most of the time will have 2 Options for picking Groups.

 I will use a "Realtor AI SaaS" as an Example here.

Group A:

The Niche Site – run by the Niche
In such Groups usually, People discuss niche-related topics – Finding cheap real estate, finding dream homes, renting homes, and so on.


This group will mostly be managed by Realtors that run a business. But it could also be that someone like you manages the site and uses it as an Alibi to sell their services/software in between the real estate offers.

Group B:

The Technical Bubble

In such Groups usually, People will discuss trends, new tools…

This group will mostly be managed by Tech people who are interested in the technology, but it could also be someone who manages the site that makes money with affiliate services, or who just posts their services/software to sell it as a trend.

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Group A

The Niche Site - run by the Niche

Group B

The Technical Bubble

1.3  Which one do we join?

Join both. But be aware of the differences and who you will reach.

1.4 Now Kristian, where do I start?

We join both groups.

We wait for Approval until the Administrators approve our Request to join the Group.

We scroll through the groups and check if there have been similar posts to the offer that we plan to pitch.
Let’s say this is an offer, that someone has pitched already and got 121 Comments. 👇

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Instead of posting billboard posts like this one by ourselves, we go through the comments of the post. Those will look something like this. 👇

Good, what are we going to do now? The admin obviously replied to them already, so you might think, this is a waste of time. NO! We go through the comments and send a cold DM to every single one of them. A private one! You don't want to mess around with the ADMIN here. You sneak your way through the DMs. Just visit the profile of people who replied and send them a message with your offer for your service/products.

Why do we do that?

Out of 121, probably just 2-5% bought

-People didn't read their DMs right away, yours will pop up on top.

-People don't care about the name of the person who offers it, they care about a problem being solved.

-The price was maybe too high and they didn't buy.

-The product doesn't offer the features that they actually would need, but your product does.

-The product may not offer enough value, but your product does.


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Still have more questions? Contact me via E-mail:
👉 kristian.matic@assistant-virtual.com.